NullPoint Ventures

Our Activities

NullPoint Ventures provides consulting services and pursues ventures independently that are focused on understanding the potential for value creation in the digital age.
NullPoint Ventures provides consulting services to other businesses that are focused on the exploration of how to create value in the digital age, through the adoption of digital technologies and exploiting their potential in a business context.
NullPoint Ventures develops its understanding of the digital age by engaging contemporary research and practice insights about digital technologies, as well as through the active use of digital technologies to develop in-house expertise and experience.


NullPoint Ventures was founded in 2023 by Dr Johan Lindeque in Freiburg im Breisgau Germany.


We would be delighted to hear from you:

NullPoint Ventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Dr Johan Lindeque
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 254
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Geschäftsführer: Johan Lindeque
Registergericht: Freiburg
Registernr.: HRB 729736
USt-Id. / MwSt.: Kleinunternehmung
